
PartsCheck continues to interview women in the industry and hand out some stylish Women in Collision T-Shirts. Here's their chat with Sarah Jackman from Kingston Panel & Paint in Tasmania. 

How long have you been in the industry?
 I have been in the industry for 12 years now. After I left college, I started working at a windscreen repair shop in Hobart, and then I worked for dad at Kingston Panel & Paint.

What made you join the industry?

All through high school I wanted to be a hairdresser, so after school I started an apprenticeship as one, however I soon realised it was not for me and began looking at other options. That is when I landed the job in admin at the windscreen shop.

What do you like most about the industry?
Each day is different to the one before. I like that you get to meet so many great people, day in and day out.


What advice would you have for a young lady wanting to join / start off in the industry?
​My advice is to go for it! Do not be afraid just because it is a male dominated industry. Give it your all and back yourself. It can be a fun and rewarding job.

What do you do for fun outside of work?
​I have a 1-year-old dog called Ruby who I go walking on the beach with. I also spend my time hanging out with friends and family.

What is your favourite car?
I love all cars, but if I had to choose it would be GTR XU-1 or a Nissan Silvia S14.