• Ben Chesterfield, MTAQ
    Ben Chesterfield, MTAQ

Russ Hill from River Group is keen to keep Paint and Panel readers updated on news from the Sunshine state. Here's his round up of what's been happening in the trade in Queensland.

The Cairns trade forum was held on Monday July23 at The River Group, Cairns. A mixture of repairers and suppliers were provided information on training, work providers, southern state actions, third party methods, EMTA times and shop rates. Guest speakers included, Lori Lorenz (Automotive Academy) Steve Eaton (MTAQ) and Russ Hill (NACA)
Gold Coast trade Forum was held in early July at OZ Trade paint supplies. A large contingent of local repairers heard from MTA-NSW rep Graham Judge who not only spoke, but demonstrated the EMTA times system, its overall benefits and ease of operation. Industry loss assessors also commented on the ease of use from their end and the efficiencies it brings to the whole process.

Ben Chesterfield spoke on a range of matters, including work MTAQ are doing with GCCC and the vision of hosting quarterly forums on the Gold Coast, the push to increase membership and industry representation. More detail on Ben’s work in the next edition.

Mark Brady advised the forum of MTAQ’s decision to adopt initiatives of the Australian Motor Body Repairers Association (AMBRA), which is the nations peak body, on matters of national interest, including our largest insurer’s decision of roll out its own repair network and the two quote system. The forum was informed that education of repairers and customers was the model of preference. Repairers understanding their real costs and pricing according to a sustainable model and customers being educated about choice of repairer. These actions alone can have a positive effect on our industry at little or no cost to the repair industry. The message given was to email customers and make sure they are insured with a company you can work with.
All speakers expressed a view that the industry needs to invest time in explaining to their customer base the benefits of some insurers over the methods of others.
Gold Coast news
Most would be aware that Paint and Panel has recently toured the Gold Coast inspecting a range of shops for the industry awards. One note worthy point is the number of shops whose management has changed over the past six months. Some familiar names now have manager or owner titles. More on this in the next edition.

Do you have  a story of interest? Email: samstreet@yaffa.com.au, she’d love to hear about it.

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