• Son Lewis, husband Todd and Tracey Richards.
    Son Lewis, husband Todd and Tracey Richards.

Yes, we know they won last year but there’s so many good reasons Geoff Richards Panel Beating has taken the crown again.

Geoff Richards Panel Beating (GRPB) in Dubbo, NSW, is run by a family that’s genuinely passionate about the industry, the business and its people and about providing an outstanding service to its loyal customer base that spans three generations.

The team is constantly upskilling and is I-Car Gold with Platinum team members, and undertakes OEM, PPG and iBodyshop training. All admin staff undertake Certificate III in Automotive Administration including Parts Management. As Tracey Richards says: “We are passionate about continuous learning, we believe it increases the quality of production in addition to personal satisfaction and self-esteem.”

An influx of work because of a hailstorm has seen the business become even more efficient – repairing 10 cars a week more than last year. This has been achieved by better processes rather than by longer hours. “Our aim is to simplify and enrich the work/life balance of our staff members while increasing productivity and efficiency. Our model provides opportunity to grow and develop skills,” says Tracy.

“Our culture of ownership and problem solving allows our employees to be autonomous and creative, share knowledge, and have constructive discussions.”

Safety is taken seriously with a well thought out policy. When Paint & Panel visited the shop a couple of years ago, we hadn’t been anywhere where the staff seems so happy.

Todd Richards (son of Geoff) often says to his people: “We are a team, and you have an important role in that team. Your job here with GRPB is to make the next person’s job in the process a little bit easier. By doing so, you are contributing to the success of the team and helping us achieve our goals together”.

Third generation Lewis Richards has been working in the business since he was 17. He gave us the Zoom tour this year and it was great to hear the pride and emotion in his voice when he described how far the business had come since since they moved into the purpose-built premises back in 2016.

The business embraces new technology and has a MoonWalk paint mixing machine (the fourth in the country to have one installed) and has recently purchased recalibration equipment. None of the dealers in Dubbo offer recalibration and cars have to be trucked to Orange.

Country repairers have to be connected with the community but here GRBP also goes the extra mile and a half. The business has been collaborating with schools, sporting and community groups in the region for over 40 years to foster a culture of learning, inclusion and empowerment. They offer work placement opportunities for students who are interested in the industry as part of the Higher School Certificate course and are in the enviable position of being able to select apprentices from a pool of people keen to join.

GRBP also support the Dubbo Clontarf Academy, which aims to improve the lives and prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, as well as sponsoring a huge range of local sporting clubs from bowling, to dirt bike riding to gymnastics.

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